Membership Loyalty Program

As an appreciation to customers who support Blockchain based coffee commodity activities in Indonesia and to create long-term, mutually beneficial relationships between KOPIBLOCKCHAIN and its customers. This program is intended for the general public and corporations who want to entrust venture capital to us by providing benefits from managing our business.



We’ve built a platform
to farmer and trader shares.

KOPI is a digital asset unit that uses the decentralized Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) system to facilitate transactions and transfers. KOPI BLOCKCHAIN is a coffee commodity digitization system using blockchain technology on the Ethereum Platform. This technology will allow tracking transactions on etherscan.

KOPI BLOCKCHAIN will facilitate transparency and reliability (honest coffee) through a system from upstream to downstream that can be tracked to improve the efficiency and quality of coffee with the Blockchain system.

KOPI BLOCKCHAIN can be exchanged for Robusta coffee through The BENCOOLEN Coffee. This system will provide robusta coffee prices transparently so that farmers will benefit better than the selling price for the quality of coffee produced besides KOPI BLOCKCHAIN will have an impact in improving the welfare of Indonesian farmers starting in Bengkulu province extending through Sumatra and throughout Indonesia.


Competitive Advantage

KOPI BLOCKCHAIN will facilitate transparency and reliability of (honest coffee) through the system from upstream to downstream that can be tracked to improve efficiency and quality coffee.

Blockchain Infrastructure

the KOPI BLOCKCHAIN using the ERP Coffee system, a system to help connect the coffee chain from the farmer level to the buyer.

Easy Token Integration ERC20

It will allow tracing of transaction on Etherscan. KOPI uses Ethereum  Platform to facilitate transaction and transfer.

Global System and Secure

An efficient global system covering all corners, provides best data security.



As an appreciation to customers who support blockchain-based coffee commodity activities in Indonesia and around the world and create good and mutually beneficial relationships with loyal customers. We offer the KOPIBLOCKCHAIN MEMBERSHIP LOYALTY PROGRAM . This program is intended for the general public and corporations who want to be involved in the KOPI BLOCKCHAIN program by giving rewards from managing our business.


May 1, 2020 (9:00AM GMT)

Number of tokens for sale

30,000,000 KOPI (10%)


September 30, 2020 (24:00AM GMT)

Tokens exchange rate

1 KOPI : 1 kg of Fine Robusta coffee and 1 kg : IDR. 40.000

Acceptable currencies


Minimal transaction amount

2500 KOPI

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds
Join Membership Loyalty Program

Initial Token Distribution

Sale Proceed Allocation


As an appreciation to customers who support Blockchain based coffee commodity activities in Indonesia and to create long-term, mutually beneficial relationships between KOPIBLOCKCHAIN and its customers. This program is intended for the general public and corporations who want to entrust venture capital to us by providing benefits from managing our business.



if you’re a discerning coffee roaster seeking the finest green coffee beans wholesale expedited from around the world, KOPI is the preeminent specialty importer of the best wholesale green coffee beans on the market. We travel to remote regions of the globe to assess and acquire the highest quality beans, so you can be assured your unique roasting creates exceptional aromas, flavors, and qualities your patrons will look forward to, time and time again.



We believe that our blockchain transaction technology provides democratization and transparency for all coffee growers. Our technology provides an online secure framework for sharing ledgers and transactions, enhancing record keeping veracity while saving time. Our technology can be leveraged to create automatic digital payments in conjunction with trade.



The Timeline

With help from our teams, contributors and investors these are the milestones we are looking forward to achieve.

KOPI distribution is expected to be as follows:

  • Go to the website:
  • Buy KOPI using transfer, credit card, debit card, ETH
  • Follow the instructions sent by email

During this period KOPI will be sent to your corresponding Trust Wallet public address to receive KOPI.


The Leadership Team

KOPI Blockchain Team combines a passion for esports, industry experise & proven record in finance, development, marketing & licensing.

Ir. Dedi Yudianto, MBA
Founder & CEO of KOPI Blockchain
Dadan Hermawan
Chief Technology Office of KOPI Blockchain

The Advisory board

Hari Yanto
His activities as treasurer of the Indonesian Crypto Currency Association
Mikhael Rudy
Eco Coffee Expert
Adhe Linge
Coffee Gayo Expert

Frequently Asked Questions

Below we’ve provided a bit of ICO, ICO Token, cryptocurrencies, and few others. If you have any other questions, please get in touch using the contact form below.

What is KOPI?

KOPI is a digital asset unit that uses the decentralized Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) system to facilitate transactions and transfers. KOPI BLOCKCHAIN is a coffee commodity digitization system using blockchain technology on the Ethereum Platform. This technology will allow tracking transactions on etherscan. KOPI BLOCKCHAIN will facilitate transparency and reliability (honest coffee) through a system from upstream to downstream that can be tracked to improve the efficiency and quality of coffee with the Blockchain system.

What are the benefits of KOPI?

1). Makes it easy to trade robusta coffee.
2). Providing price discounts for coffee buyers.
3). Reducing inventory costs for coffee entrepreneurs.
4). Make it easy for tracing to purchase coffee.

Where can I get KOPI?

You can buy KOPI in the following channels:
1). Through the Digital KOPI application on Android
2). Through the Etherium Platform application on Android
3). Through the seller appointed by the manager

What currency is used to buy KOPI?

You can use debit cards, credit cards or Instant settlement through transactions using Crypto Currency on Etherium Platform

Where can I exchange KOPI for fine robusta coffee?

You can exchange every 1 KOPI for 1 kg of robusta coffee at PT Cyber ​​Persada Nusantara (Cybers Global Indonesia Group). For more details, please ask the admin.

Who covers the transportation costs for delivering robusta coffee?

Transportation costs for delivering robusta coffee are borne by each coffee buyer from the warehouse to their respective place.

What is the minimum kg of Robusta fine coffee that can be shipped?

The minimum amount of fine Robusta coffee that can be sent is 100 kg or equivalent to 100 COFFEE

What is the discounted purchase price for coffee if using KOPI?

At present, the discount is given at 20% of the normal price of around IDR 40,000 or IDR 8000 per kg.


Get In Touch

Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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